♥Gud Bye November, Hye Dcember♥
Wednesday, December 01, 2010hye assalamualaikum..wah pecah record u all iqa berblogging and BW pepagi ni ha..ni semua semangat nak menghupdate untuk u all yang cantik lagi handsome2 sekalian..hehe..u all perasan tak NOVEMBER has say gud bye to us..and DECEMBER welcome us..wow its already end of 2010..wow..rasa macam baru je bulan januari but suddenly dah december aite..cepat nye masa berjalan..owh tidak kalau gini caranya masa tak berjalan tapi masa buat pecut 100meters..huhuhu.. dis month gonna be my reaaaaallly hectic onth for me...there's so many thins and event will happen on this month

- MY EN.TUNANG Birthday - 25th Dec 2010 (belum beli present ok)
- May be Ikhwan will leave me for mor than 6months
- My brother in law to be Birthday - 6th Dec 2010
- Holiday Time - 5-7 Dec 2010
- Result UITM - 10th Dec 2010 (i hate this date huhu
- My Mother In Law balik dari Mekah - 14 Dec 2010
- My GFF Birthday Atra Abu Hanipah - 18 Dec 2010
- B2B Ell Fazira Azman ♥ Fariz hadi wedding- 26 Dec 2010
- Attend wedding.banyak kot cuti sekolah ni

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