♥Kalkulus oh kalkulus♥

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

esok iqa ade kalkulus test..
iqa rasa down sangat
sejaksekolah math ibarat macam petik jari je boleh jawab
bukan nak riak ata ape tapi itu lah hakikatnye dahulu
time diploma dulu ambik subject yang sama je
sebab ni subject teras semua kos sains di universiti
still iqa dapat A and im the highest
4 tahun yang sudah la..

but now im totally worse in dis subject.
i've miss class more than 3 time juz because i sakit
its totally different now
the enviroment the people the classmate n ++++
im not blaming the takdir or the enviroment or etc
its juz my prob..
my ownself prob ok.
dont get wrong ok..
but anyway iqa nak sambung stdy balik..

wsih me luck ya

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