
♥tolong doakan dia..♥

Monday, December 05, 2011


hari ni over slept tak pergi kelas pagi hahaha..sungguh buruk perangai iqa ni kan hahaha... but by de way dalam hati ni tgh bermain dengan seribu satu kebimbangan tentang ikhwan.. today die tgh seat for his exam..exam yg menentukan segalanya termasuk la hubungan kami..hari ni 1 paper tomorrow 1 paper...

(i juz talk to him after he finish his paper)
me : how's paper?
him : xtawlah..theory ok. calculation xtaw la
me : its ok i noe u have stress out your very besh. now juz for get it..ape pun keputusan kte terima k. lets focus for tomorrow k 
him : thanx for being really supportive syg
me : if u really want it badly Allah will give u syg...

bie..wat ever its is i still by your side.coz i can see your effort for this exam.. Allah will help us..Allah always with us..

he said, after finish this exam he wants totally give himself for herbalife..so now 2enjin bergerak wow so sgt besh..semangat after both of us berjaya menjadi SUPERVISOR = 50% discount for every product!!! wow besh wei!!!! n dh mula dapat royalty!! alhamdulillah rezeki allah..

for this exam ade lg sorg kawan we all yg sit for this paper.. HANANI NANIE..die banyak tlg we all..die yg bg notes kat ikhwan..nanie terima kasih byk2 sbb sudi tlg iqa ikhwan..iqa tak dpt lupe jasa baik nani pd we all..thanx a lot dear..gud luck for your paper nani

pic ni ambk time braya kt umah kak fidah..bj hitam tu la nani..im still fat that time huhuhuhu..sgt 

kawan2 sekalian tolong doakan supaya ikhwan berjaya dalam exam die kali ni ye..if die success thats mean kami akan kawen!!!!!!

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