
♥Aku dah faham♥

Saturday, June 04, 2011

like i've told u all before. my body clock have been like roller coaster.. im too sleepy..but i cant sleep. owh gosh.. is that may be im tooo stress bout that stupid matter. totally no. its doesnt effect me at all.. is it may be im to worried bout my result? yeah of course tapi tak kan sampai tak boleh tido rite..

neway tetibe rasa nk layan lagu ni.. aku faham maksudnye kini..yeah thanx for this song..

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2 komen

  1. same here. bdn penat xleh tido. byk pk. mcm2. huuu

    BTW, nice song. suka :)

  2. kdg2 org ckp kite terlalu memikirkan..tapi nak buat mcm mne dah tak mampu untuk x fikirkan keadaan tu ..

    hehe lagu ni memang sgt besh


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