
Day 1 : A picture of yourself and fifteen facts

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 1 : A picture of yourself and fifteen facts
may be some of u dah kenal iqa.. iqa nak lebih rapat dengan semua followers and readers..so iqa share a lil bit facts ttg iqa

paste my pic : done

15 facts bout Atiqah Mutaza

1. Nurul Atiqah Binti Mutaza (iqa)

2. 12 August 1988,gonna be 23 years dis year 2011

3. already ENGAGED to Mr. Nor Ikhwan Abd Aziz for 1year and 15 days

4. de eldest in family n ade sorang je adik tu pn gurl jugak

5. student B.S food science and techonology, UiTM shah alam

6. i love White, Pink, Green, Turqoise, Gold and Blue color

7. my mum my dad n my fiancee said dat my personality are simple but hard to understand

8. i love jazz and soul genre

9. Im a bridezilla that 24/7 hunting for my wed prep, especially the date haha still did not set yet

10. i tak cantik langsung but suke perasan cantik utk puaskana hati sendiri hahaha

11. suke explore buku resipi but jarang masak..huhuhu..dah nak kawen pn masak terhegeh2

12. i love shopping, travelling, dreaming hahahaha

13. i tak reti nak bergaul dengan orang dats y ramai sangat kata i sombong. owh plez dont.. ibaek taw..klu dah knl sure i banyak ckp huhuhuu

14. i wanna be a Queen on my wedding day..and he should be my King

15. i love to be friends with all bloggers..please do approach me first coz i donno how to start

dats all for now..nak taw lagi? silalah bertanya ye..sebab iqa pun tak reti nak bagitaw ape.. coz im juz a simple and an ordianary girl..there's nothing special or really exciting bout me for u to explore

♥atiqah mutaza

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