♥10 months = 8 months♥

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

engaged for 10months yesterday
8months to go before the very besh memoirs in our life 

u r still here beside..
bie u should go....
for yourself, for us and our future life n family dear

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5 komen

  1. tahniah, moga berkekalan hingga hujung nyawa

  2. knp awak ni... mcm ade prob besar jer..ikhwan xmau belayar???

  3. sabar ye....insyaallah,ade hikmah nye....touching lak baca..hehe sabarkan hati,kuatkn smgt,tabahkan hati ye.,...

  4. sakura : bukan ikhwan xnk belayar tapi company tak panggil lg :-)

    nani : thanx nanie..doakn iqa kuat ye


sangat menghargai anda yang tinggalkan tapak tangan disini

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