♥Hari Matahari♥

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hari Matahari = SUNDAY = Ahad

its also equal to REST rite? but not for me Atiqah Mutaza.. food science and technology, UITM student. a lots of think to do, to "edit" to study and to "makan" and also to submit for this week ok!!!! i have test i have a'ment gosh.. mostly uitm student test will be held after CNY but not for my programme..owh pity us aite.. and the test will kill me.. it is Physical Chemistry ok!!!!!

p/s : kalau la aku nye BI berterabur macam macam tepung tertumpah korang jangan lah gelak. ni tengah practice lebih2 ni.. sokong jelah ye.. kalau nak kutuk tu ikutlah..

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