1st day : 65days lose fat programme

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

iqa mulai hari ni dah start 65days lose fat programme.. ayo dah nak dekat dah wedding i olls ni haa..tapi fat still high ayoo..need to lose more fat!!! yeahhhh kemon2 hahahaha.. ade sesiapa nk join?

memang dis programme specially create for myself..and this is regarding my wedding yang tak lama jelagi tu..iqa dah ideal weight but my stil no in healthy range yet.and dalam programme ni jugak iqa sangat mementingkan waktu tidur and aktiviti seharian..ni sangat sesuai untuk bride to be coz we need to prepare our body for the big day and for the marriage.. yelah on the day sangat bz..esp the preparation u need energy, u need to maintain your healt..your skin of course u want it to look flawless and healthy rite..so this is y i make it dis programme..

selain nak lose fat, iqa jugak nak gain muscle, to reshape my body..coz ade part yang dh perfect but ade jgk yg perlukan construction haahahah..so i seriusly need a balance diet, nutrition and balance with my activities

ok iqa start with my 1st day 11.12.12

iqa ambik herbalife ya of course.
iqa tak ambik kasi hari ni (sebenarnye iqa ni memang kurang sikit dengan nasi cept no bosan makan nasi) so i replace with spaghetti bolognese ala melayu full with vege.. (esok iqa akn update resipi k)
4liter air..]no snacking at all..sbb iqa rasa agak kenyang je..
sit up 15

tips akan di sharing bile experiment ini menjadi dengan jayanya.. wish me luck.. so tunggu diary ari kedua iqa ye

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1 komen

  1. nanti mintak tolong promote ek :

    kalao baik hati buat la satu entry special pasal entry i tu ekkk



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